Look how good I looked ten years ago! Someday I’ll put up a new one, meanwhile, photocredit: @Batten Photography, Tyler, TX
Melissa DeCarlo was born and raised in Oklahoma City. Growing up, she wanted to be an artist, a writer, an actress, and one of those people wearing bright yellow helmets who get to climb telephone poles. Then one day, she looked around and discovered that she was all grown up with a degree in computer science and working in an office where she had to wear pantyhose every day.
But sometimes in life, as in the best stories, do-overs are possible. Melissa now lives in East Texas with her husband and a motley crew of rescue animals. She’s worked as a painter, sculptor, graphic designer, freelance writer, grant writer, and novelist. She’s even done a little acting in community theater, but since she once broke her foot climbing a flight of stairs, climbing telephone poles is clearly not an option. She no longer even owns a pair of pantyhose.
Some of Melissa’s favorite things are: making art, reading, hanging out with her husband and their awesome grown-up kids, and watching ridiculous reels of people trying not to laugh. Although she’s very proud of her 2015 novel, The Art of Crash Landing, now she’s happily focused on creating visual art and doting on her beloved grandson.
She posts her art regularly on Instagram, so be sure to give her a follow if you’re interested.
Her book, The Art of Crash Landing, is available from wherever you like to order your books. A couple of essays about writing/publishing are still online, and can be found at:
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